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Britt Anderson
Associate Professor, Psychology
Research interests: spatial attention, brain injuries
Methods: behavioral experiments, mathematical models
Otman Basir
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research interests: intelligent systems
Methods: computer models
Shai Ben-David
Professor, Cheriton School of Computer Science
Research interests: machine learning
Methods: computer models, mathematical models
Daniel Berry
Professor, Cheriton School of Computer Science
Research interests: requirements engineering, requirements elicitation
Methods: case studies, controlled experiments
Catherine Burns
Professor, Systems Design Engineering
Research interests: interface design
Methods: case studies
Robin Cohen
Professor, Cheriton School of Computer Science
Research interests: artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems
Methods: computer models
Brian Paul Cozzarin
Associate Professor; Department Computing Representative, Management Sciences
Research interests: innovation - its creation, adoption and diffusion within/by firms and individuals
Methods: agent-based simulation, statistical methods
Mohamed Oussama Damen
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research interests: wireless communication, information theory, cooperative communications
Methods: mathematical analysis, computer simulations
James Danckert
Professor; Cognitive Neuroscience Research Area Head
Research interests: human neuropsychology, especially effects of brain lesions
Methods: behavorial experiments, brain imaging
Stephanie Denison
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Research interests: domain-general learning, mechanisms in infants and children
Methods: behavorial experiments, mathematical models
Chrysanne DiMarco
Associate Professor, Cheriton School of Computer Science
Research interests: computational linguistics
Methods: computer models
Mike J. Dixon
Associate Professor, Psychology
Research interests: synesthesia, gambling behavior
Method: behavorial experiments
Chris Eliasmith
Professor (Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience) (Canada Research Chair in Theoretical Neuroscience) , Philosophy
Research interests: theoretical neuroscience, philosophy of mind
Method: computer models, mathematical analysis
Ori Friedman
Professor, Psychology
Research interests: children's social reasoning
Method: behavioral experiments
Jonathan Fugelsang
Professor, Psychology; Cognitive Research Area Head
Research interests: decision making, causal reasoning
Method: behavioral experiments, brain imaging
Igor Grossmann
Associate Professor, Psychology
Research interests: emotion, social cognition, wisdom, culture, life-span development
Method: behavioral experiments, ethnographic studies, computer-assisted content analysis
Randy Harris
Professor, English Language and Literature
Research interests: cognitive linguistics, rhetoric, and poetics
Method: rhetorical analysis, case studies
Heather Henderson
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
Research interests: child temperament and self-regulation
Method: individual and dyadic observations, EEG/ERP
Jonathan Histon
Adjunct Professor, Systems Design Engineering
Research interests: decision making, complexity
Method: case studies, behavioral experiments, ethnographic studies
Jesse Hoey
Associate Professor, Cheriton School of Computer Science
Research interests: artificial intelligence, assistive technologies, human computer interaction
Method: computer models, case studies
Tad Homer-Dixon
Professor, School of Environment, Enterprise and Development; Department of Political Science; CIGI Chair of Global Systems
Research interests: social adaptation
Method: case studies
Fakhri Karray
Professor and University Research Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research interests: intelligent systems, cognitive robotics
Method: computer models
Dana Kulic
Adjunct Associate Professor
Research interests: human motion analysis and motion learning
Method: computer models, behavioral experiments, robot experiments
Edward Lank
Associate Professor, Cheriton School of Computer Science
Research interests: human computer interaction
Method: case studies, behavioral experiments
Kate Larson
Professor and Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies, Cheriton School of Computer Science
Research interests: artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems
Method: computer models, mathematical models
Grit Liebscher
Department Chair and Professor, Germanic and Slavic Studies
Research interests: verbal and non-verbal human interaction
Method: socio-interactionist analysis, case studies
Richard Mann
Associate Professor, Cheriton School of Computer Science
Research interests: computational vision
Method: computer models
Marcel O'Gorman
Professor; Graduate Studies; University Research Chair, English Language and Literature
Research interests: cognitive impacts of technology, attention, cognition evolution
Method: research/creation, ethnography, behavioral experiments, case studies
Daniela O'Neill
Professor, Psychology
Research interests: early childhood language and cognition
Method: behavioral experiments
Jeff Orchard
Associate Professor, Cheriton School of Computer Science
Research interests: neural networks
Method: computer models
Pascal Poupart
Professor, Cheriton School of Computer Science
Research interest: machine learning, multi-agent systems
Method: computer models
Neil Randall
Associate Professor, English Language and Literature
Research interests: rhetoric, user interfaces
Method: case studies
John Savarese
Associate Graduate Chair and Associate Professor, English Language and Literature
Research interests: historical cognitive theory, distributed cognition
Method: literary analysis
Mat Schulze
Professor, Germanic and Slavic Studies
Research interests: language, including computer assisted language learning
Method: computer assisted language learning
Stacey Scott
Associate Professor, Systems Design Engineering
Research interest: human computer interaction
Methods: case studies, behavioral experiments
David Spafford
Associate Professor, Biology
Research interest: molecular neuroscience
Methods: animal experiments, molecular biology
Michael Terry
Adjunct Associate Professor, Cheriton School of Computer Science
Research interest: human computer interaction
Methods: case studies, behavioral experiments
Sarah Tolmie
Associate Professor, English Language and Literature
Research interests: premodern cognitive theory, embodiment
Methods: literary analysis, research-creation
Bryan Tripp
Assisant Professor, Systems Design Engineering
Research interest: visual and motor systems of primates
Method: computer models
Katherine White
Associate Professor; Developmental Research Area Head, Psychology
Research interest: infant language development
Method: behavioral experiements