Brian Paul Cozzarin (He/Him)

Professor, Director of Online MMSC-MOT program, Online teaching: MSE 607 Applied Economics for Management, MSE 752 Behavioural Decision Making
Location: CPH 3634
Phone: 519-888-4567 x33291
Status: Active
Brian has a BA and MSc in Agricultural Economics from the University of Guelph. His PhD is from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Before coming to Waterloo Brian was a research economist at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Research Interests
- economics of technological change
- technology and innovation management
- government program evaluation
- patenting and intellectual property
- university commercialization activities
- entrepreneurship
Scholarly Research
My research falls broadly within the realm of Data Analytics. I use large scale administrative records collected by Canada Revenue Agency and Statistics Canada to analyse firm-level R&D expenditures, innovation, capital good investment, productivity and growth. I have received two SSHRC grants since 2021-one on the capital structure of biotechnology firms, the other on risk and mobile banking adoption.
Industrial Research
I have consulted with the following agencies: Treasury Board Secretariat, Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute.
- 1998, Doctorate Agricultural Economics, University of Illinois, United States
- 1990, Master's Agricultural Economics and Business, University of Guelph, Canada
- 1987, Bachelor's Economics, University of Guelph, Canada
- Best Paper in Entrepreneurial Finance, United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina , San Diego, CA, Jan. 10-12, 2016
- Nomination for best paper award, Temple/Academy of International Business Conference in Vancouver, 2014
- One of the most downloaded articles of 2014 from Routledge Economics & Finance journals (Human Resource Management Practices and Longitudinal Workplace Performance, Applied Economics Letters, B. P. Cozzarin, S. A. Jeffrey), 2014
- Outstanding Journal Article Award, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics (with Brad Gilmour), 1999
- Gamma Sigma Delta (ΓΣΔ), Honor Society of Agriculture, inducted 1995
- Director Online MMSC-MOT program
Professional Associations
- Statistics Canada de Facto Employee
- MSCI 261 - Engineering Economics: Financial Management for Engineers
- Taught in 2021
- MSCI 422 - Economic Impact of Technological Change and Entrepreneurship
- Taught in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
- MSCI 607 - Applied Economics for Management
- Taught in 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
- MSCI 609 - Quantitative Data Analysis for Management Sciences
- Taught in 2020, 2021
- MSCI 751 - Knowledge Management
- Taught in 2022
- MSCI 752 - Behavioural Decision-making
- Taught in 2023
* Only courses taught in the past 5 years are displayed.
Selected/Recent Publications
- [J.40]: Abdul Hussein, A., Cozzarin, B.P., Dimitrov, S. “Changes in consumer spending behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic across product categories”, Electronic Commerce Research, Accepted September 12, 2022.
- [J.39]: Alam, Md. R., Dalziel, M., Cozzarin, B.P. “Invented here but owned elsewhere: The widening gap between domestic and foreign patent ownership in Canada”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Accepted November 16, 2021.
- [J.38]: Yang, H., Cozzarin, B.P., Peng, C. Xu, C., “Start‐ups and entrepreneurial teams”, Managerial and Decision Economics, Accepted September 05, 2021.
- [J.37]: Cozzarin, B.P. Koo, B. “Private value of innovation in Canadian industry”, International Journal of Technology Management”, Accepted July 29, 2021.
- J.36]: Alam, Md. R., Koo, B., Cozzarin, B.P. “Canada’s changing innovation landscape”, Science and Public Policy, Published online: 08 September 2021. [
- [J.35]: Koo, B., Cozzarin, B.P. (2021) “Do Large Firms Pursue More Process Innovation? A Case of Canadian Manufacturing Industries”, Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, Vol. 16, Issue 2, pp. 19-27.
- [J.34]: Dimitrov, S., Cozzarin, B.P. (2021) “Impact of intellectual capital on small-firm growth: A longitudinal study from Inc. 5000”, Small Enterprise Research, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp95-114.
- [J.33]: Dimitrov, S. and Cozzarin, B.P. (2021) “E-banking and consumer debt”, International Journal of Electronic Banking, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp27-38.
- J.32]: Cozzarin, B.P. and Percival, J.C., “Differential effects of training on innovation”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 32pp., Accepted December 08, 2020. [
- [J.31]: Cozzarin, B.P., Dimitrov, S., Koo, B. (2020) “Organisational Change in the Innovating Firm: Size, R&D and Sector Effects”, International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 24, No. 5.
Graduate studies
- Currently considering applications from graduate students. A completed online application is required for admission; start the application process now.
- Has Sole-Supervisory Privilege Status (SSPS) status