
You can choose between research-based or course-based master's program or maybe you are ready for a doctoral program. Each department offers a range of programs to get you on your future career track! 

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Visit the Future Students page to find full description of programs and admission information.

Doctoral (PhD)

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Master of Applied Science (MASc)

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Master of Management Sciences (MMSc) ​

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Graduate Diploma (GDip) in Data Analytics

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Admission Requirements

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Fees, Scholarships and Awards

Budgeting is ones of the most important factors when it comes to planning your graduate studies. Find out about tuition and budget, and the MSE funding and scholarship opportunities. ​

Research-based students have minimum guaranteed funding. Course-based students are expected to be self-funded. ​

Visit the Funding, Scholarships and Awards page with full description and details. 

MSE Staff Contact Information

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