Contact us

Management Science and Engineering Contact Information

Management Science and Engineering
University of Waterloo
Carl Pollock Hall (CPH)
200 University Ave. W. Waterloo Ont. N2L 3G1
Main office: CPH 4301

Additional Contacts

Emergency Contacts

First Aid Contacts

Laboratory Listings and Contacts

Laboratory  Room Supervisor/contact
Management Engineering Undergraduate Laboratory CPH 1324A Ken McKay
Touchlab CPH 3641/3643 Mark Hancock
Waterloo Optimization Lab - WatOpt CPH 3609/3612 Samir Elhedhli / Fatma Gzara
Uncertainty Management Lab CPH 4366 Frank Safayeni / Rob Duimering
Natural Language Processing Lab CPH 4365 Olga Vechtomova
Information Retrieval Lab CPH 4363 Mark Smucker
Data Science Lab CPH 4359 Lukasz Golab
WatMIMS Lab CPH 4341 Jim Bookbinder
Undergraduate Computer Lab CPH 4345 Zivojin Pantic

Laboratory supervisors/contacts are responsible for their labs and to ensure that all safety guidelines are being followed by anyone they have given permission to have access to their labs.