Message from the chair
Welcome to the Department of Management Science and Engineering at the University of Waterloo. We are a vibrant and friendly group of students, staff, and faculty dedicated to education and research.
Our department is home to more than 200 talented undergraduate students in management engineering, all of whom are part of our world-renowned co-op program. Here, they learn and apply knowledge and techniques in operations research, information system, and management of technology. The department is also home to more than 100 energetic and innovative graduate students who are determined to acquire advanced knowledge, learn the latest developments, and explore the unknown world in management science. Our management engineering, master of management sciences, master of applied science, and doctor of philosophy programs provide first-class education and research experiences to all our students, and prepare them well for their professional careers.
Our department has a team of more than 27 excellent faculty in applied operations research, information systems, and management of technology, with expertise in optimization, stochastic modelling, data analytics, data mining, information management, human computer interaction, behavioural science, and economics. Faculty members conduct leading edge research, are committed to education, and aim to be the best in the world.
I invite you to go through our website for further details on our department. I would be thrilled if you visited us in Waterloo, or join us as a student, staff, or faculty in the future!

Mark Hancock, Chair
Professor in Management Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering