
MSE Course Description

Visit the MSE graduate calendar  to find the list, description units and components of all MSE courses.  

Course Requirements by MSE program

All graduate candidates must successfully complete a minimum number of courses. The specific course requirements by program are listed on the Academic Calendar.  

Course Schedule

Graduate course schedule and availability per term can be found by clicking on: 600 & 700 level and 500-level.

Management Science and Engineering Graduate Students working on a project together

Course Enrolment

There are several methods of registering for graduate courses in Management Science and Engineering, depending on the level of the course and whether the student is taking the course towards their degree, or as an extra or an audit. 

Management Science and Engineering students can register for most 600 and 700 level courses on Quest

Graduate drop and add forms are required to be completed to register for courses taken as extras, or as audits. The instructor’s signature is required, and you will require your supervisor’s signature(s) on the form. Once you have the signatures, arrange to send it to the appropriate Graduate Coordinator for your program.

Elective (courses outside the department) pre-approval form:

MASc/PhD students can take 1 course outside the department. Please fill out the elective form and submit to your graduate studies administrator for approval. 


Engineering Courses

Find information about course registration, changes, transfers, program-specific course requirements and time limit in  Graduate Engineering Courses.