Graduate studies

Faculty and Staff in Management Sciences responsible for graduate studies administration and academic programs.

Sibel Alumur Alev

Associate Professor | Associate Chair Graduate Studies
Sibel Alumur Alev
519-888-4567 ext. 33365
Location: CPH 4321
Link to profile: Sibel Alumur Alev
Link to personal webpage: Sibel Alumur Alev

Muhammad Umair Shah

Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream | MMSc Online Director
519-888-4567 ext. 38789
Location: CPH 4305
Contact for: MMSc Online Instructor
Link to profile: Muhammad Umair Shah

Lisa Hendel

Graduate Studies Administrator - MASc & PhD Programs
519-888-4567 ext. 33670
Location: CPH 4370
Contact for: MASc/PhD programs (admissions, advising, MASc co-op), recruitment, scholarships, awards, and bursaries
Link to profile: Lisa Hendel

Brenna Costa

Graduate Studies Coordinator - MMSc & GDip Programs
519-888-4567 ext. 84799
Location: CPH 4371
Link to profile: Brenna Costa

Kimberly Dunne

Graduate Studies Administrator - MMSc & GDip Programs
Kimberly Dunne 2020
Contact for: MMSc programs includes Admissions, Advising, Records for: MMSc, MMSc COOP, MMSc Online and the GDDA

Monday, Tuesday, Friday

8:00 a.m. - 4 p.m. (hour lunch 12pm-1pm)

Link to profile: Kimberly Dunne