Undergraduate studies

Faculty and staff responsible for undergraduate administration and academic programs.

Shelley Vossen

Undergraduate Studies Advisor/Coordinator
Shelley Vossen
Location: CPH 4301E
Contact for: MGTE and MSCI Option Advising, Curriculum Changes, Scheduling
Link to profile: Shelley Vossen

Ada Hurst

Associate Professor, Teaching Stream | Associate Chair Undergraduate Studies
Ada Hurst
Location: CPH 4315
Contact for: Undergraduate Studies, Capstone projects, future undergraduate and graduate students, industry collaboration
Link to profile: Ada Hurst
Link to personal webpage: Ada Hurst

Fatih Safa Erenay

Associate Professor | MSCI Option Coordinator |Teaching Assistantship Officer
Associate professor Fatih Safa Erenay
519-888-4567 ext. 32521
Location: CPH 4323
Contact for: Management Science Option, MSCI/MSE Teaching Assistant assignments and management
Link to profile: Fatih Safa Erenay
Link to personal webpage: Fatih Safa Erenay