From the nabla operator to the super nabla operator - François Bergeron

Thursday, January 19, 2023 1:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Title: From the nabla operator to the super nabla operator

Speaker: François Bergeron 
Affiliation: LACIM
Location: MC 6029 or contact Olya Mandelshtam for the zoom link

Abstract: The nabla operator is certainly one of the most exploited ones in the study of: Macdonald symmetric functions and their occurrences in several areas of investigations. After recalling some of these, as well as the historical role of many related operators, we will describe a new “super” version that unifies this whole area of investigation. The talk is illustrated by explicit examples, in an effort to make it accessible to a “general” audience. The new aspects are joint work with Jim Haglund, Alessandro Iraci, and Marino Romero.