As part of the “Seeding the Future” program, Emily responded to the play Madness With Rocks by Peace Akintade. Her song “The Boulder and I,” which she wrote, performed and recorded herself, mixes multiple tracks of her own voice. Madness With Rocks is an allegorical piece set 100 years in the future in which a warrior discovers a rock that is all that remains of the African continent.
With the abilities and talents that I’ve been given – and to the highest degree capable – I wanted to be a part of illuminating the complexities, unfiltered essence, and pure artistic representation of Black individuals and stories, through theatre and performative response.

Radcliffe’s lyrics evoke the voice of the protagonist in “Madness With Rocks”; the song opens with the haunting line “In a world that’s forgotten my name / will you forget me the same?” Her layered harmonies echo a refrain of “what does it mean to forgive?” throughout the rest of the song. “With the abilities and talents that I’ve been given – and to the highest degree capable – I wanted to be a part of illuminating the complexities, unfiltered essence, and pure artistic representation of Black individuals and stories, through theatre and performative response,” Radcliffe explains.