St. Paul’s University College has announced that André Moreau (pictured) has accepted a contract position as the University of Waterloo’s first-ever Aboriginal Liaison Officer. Moreau works to build strong relationships in the Aboriginal education system in order to raise awareness and significantly increase the number of Aboriginal students who apply, register and self-declare annually.
André is a recent Arts and Business graduate who majored in Speech Communication. He is an active citizen with the Métis Nation of Ontario and is reputed to bake superb bannock occasionally in the Waterloo Aboriginal Education Centre located at St. Paul’s University College.
“Andre is making a significant impact in his role as our inaugural Aboriginal Liaison Officer by raising uWaterloo’s profile among our fastest growing demographic-Aboriginal youth," says Jeff Muzzerall, Director, Indigenous, Government & Community Relations. "He acts as a relevant, respectful and receptive ambassador for Aboriginal learners and communities in order to achieve our goal of doubling our annual number of registrants within five years."
This story and photo originally appeared in the Daily Bulletin.