Professor Glenn Stillar was an Associate Professor in the Digital Arts Communication program in the Faculty of Arts, University of Waterloo.

His research explores both the theory and practice of 'how we tell stories' with digital media to entertain, inform, persuade, and involve viewers. He is particularly interested in the constantly evolving role of video in communications, given communicating via video is now as important as, and nearly as widespread as, text-based communications. Analogizing from 'literacy,' Professor Stillar researches and teaches new forms of 'visualacy.' He has directed and produced a wide range of film, video, and audio productions, ranging from research documentation to feature films to multimedia art installations. In addition to his interests in multimedia theory and production, Professor Stillar has an extensive background in social semiotics, discourse analysis, and linguistics and has published widely in those fields.
Recent work
2018. Director/Cinematographer/Editor. Marking Time, 20-hour fine art film featuring the creation of a large-scale drawing by Kelly Wallace. Exhibited with Beside Myself on five screens. February 2 - May 6, 2018. Judith and Norman Alix Art Gallery. Sarnia, Ontario. Curated by Lisa Daniels.
2016. Cinematographer/Editor. 2016. “The Highlands.” Music video for Fraser/Daley. 4:34. Link.
2016. Director/Cinematographer/Editor. “Extract from Marking Time.” Short-form edit of art process film of artist Kelly Wallace. Runs continuously during his exhibition “Unman” at Georgia Scherman Projects gallery (Toronto). December 1, 2016 – January 28, 2017. Exhibition link. Film reference link.
2015. 'Observe, Engage, Adapt: Hulot's Method in Playtime.' Audiovisual essay and paper. [in]Transition: Journal of Videographic Film & Moving Image Studies, 2.3.
2015. Filmmaker. Within Range. 46-minute video of artist 'hot talk' at Rodman Hall Art Centre, Brock University. Link: Password: Kelly
2015. Editor. Hulot's Nod to Everyone. Videographic essay created to accompany my publication in [in]Transition. Selected for inclusion in AUDIOVISUALCY: Videographic Film and Moving Image Studies. Link:
2015. Editor. Door Sounds in Playtime. Videographic essay created to accompany my publication in [in]Transition. Selected for inclusion in AUDIOVISUALCY: Videographic Film and Moving Image Studies. Link: