(519) 888-4567 x 46820
Location: ML 240

Kevin is an interdisciplinary teacher-scholar (English/Rhetoric PhD, Russian Literature MA, Philosophy BA) whose work focuses on higher education and its discontents.
Drawing on rhetorical theory, institutional histories, critical pedagogy, and philosophy, his research examines tensions between progressive aims and conservative functions of higher education. He has written about critical thinking discourses as constitutive rhetoric, and he is currently investigating the materialist underpinnings of liberal arts discourses. A regular presenter at the College Conference on Composition and Communication (4Cs) and the Rhetoric Society of America (RSA), his most recent conference panel at the American Educational Studies Association (AESA) - “Through Choice of Action: (Re)Visionary Pragmatism for the Age of Accountability” (co-panelists Brian Charest and Russell Mayo) – received the Reviewer’s Choice Award. As a teacher, Kevin is interested in collaborative inquiry with students, as well as developing power sharing relationships in the classroom.