(519) 888-4567 x 48997
Location: ML 257B
Shannon Hartling has a PhD in English (2003) and an MA and BA in English from the University of Waterloo.
Her academic interests include the history and theory of rhetoric, cultural studies, conflict management, ethics, aesthetic theory, and body studies. She has written about the moral implications of polite language in depictions of death in sermons and novels, and she has delivered several conference papers reflecting her research into the social functions and abuses of polite language. She is interested in the function of communication in creating community, particularly in difficult contexts. Shannon coordinates the Leadership and Communication course, COMMST 111. She has been teaching at the University of Waterloo since 1995.
Courses Taught
COMMST 100--Interpersonal Communication
COMMST 111--Leadership and Communication
COMMST 228--Public Communication
COMMST 324—Small Group Communication
COMMST 432--Conflict Management
COMMST 475 -- Communication Ethics