Capstone Application

If you are planning to graduate in the new curriculum in June or October 2026 you will need to complete a capstone project in the 2025-26 academic year.  Capstone projects are worth 1.5 academic units (or three courses).

Please submit this application no later than March 31.

For more information please email Jay Havens.

Performers in te middle of a slow dance routine surrounded by an orange and yellow lit set of poles that look like trees

Joanna Cleary and cast of welcome to the tree museum performing (March 2019)

First and Last Name
8-digit UWaterloo student number
In what area of theatre-making would you like your capstone project to be?
Please select up to three areas
No more than 250 words please.
No more than 250 words please.
200 word(s) remaining
For example, you have required courses for a joint major that are only offered in the fall so you want your capstone to be in winter or spring. Keep in mind that on top of the usual production commitments, capstone students have reading, written assignments and meetings with the Theatre & Performance advisor on a weekly basis. (150 word maximum)
200 word(s) remaining
Be specific. In what way will these outcomes grow your technique? What skills / tasks do you want to be able to do independently after this project? (250 word maximum)
200 word(s) remaining
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