CPI RoundTable Discussions


CPI is initiating a new event series: CPI RoundTable Discussions. These are intended to bring CPI researchers interested in selected multidisciplinary topics to the same table in the hope of kickstarting a potential collaboration. Our intent is to organize these events in collaboration with other university institutes and centres and/or focusing on specific CPI research themes.

Please Note: These discussions are for CPI members and participants, and will be invite-only.

If you are a CPI member or a member of the University of Waterloo community and want to join or learn more about CPI Roundtables, visit our internal site.

Upcoming RoundTable Discussions

  • TBD

Past RoundTable Discussions

Topic: BlackBerry RoundTable Discussion

Date: Friday, October 7th  

Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm

Participants: BlackBerry and researchers from Cybersecurity & Privacy Institute.

Moderator: Colin Russell (CPI Managing Director)

Topic: CPI Student RoundTable Discussion

Date: Friday, July 29th 

Time: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

Participants: Student members from various Cybersecurity & Privacy Institute faculties

Moderator(s):  Justin Tracey (CPI Research Support Specialist)

Goal: Students from the various CPI faculties will present lightning talks on their research, followed by some quick Q&A and discussion, so that we can make connections and better understand what our fellow CPI students are interested in.

Topic: RoundTable Discussion on WatSPEED & Workforce Training

Date: Monday, June 27th 

Time: 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. 

Participants: Members of the Cybersecurity & Privacy Institute

Moderator(s):  Anindya Sen (CPI Associate Director)

Goal: To discuss how to bolster CPI's proposed cybersecurity ​and privacy certificate program and to enhance teamwork.

Topic: RoundTable Discussion on Robotics

Date: Friday, June 10th, 2022

Time: 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

Participants: Members of the Cybersecurity & Privacy Institute & Robohub

Moderator(s):  Brandon DeHart (Robohub)

Goal: Robohub and CPI see opportunities for collaboration between our members. With CPI’s Seed Grant call deadline fast approaching on June 24, we hope this session can be a starting point for new multidisciplinary collaborations.