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Managing the pandemic through contact tracing apps

Technological innovation or a challenge to privacy and civil liberties

By Angelica Sanchez

University Relations


In an effort to track the spread of COVID-19, more and more contact tracing apps will continue to emerge. However, there are major concerns surrounding privacy issues when it comes to technology such as these apps collecting personal data.

Media, government, and industry commonly frame security and privacy as diametrically opposed: protecting one requires sacrificing the other. 

Privacy, Infrastructures, Policy brought together researchers with international speakers from journalism, national security, academia and the corporate world to challenge these misconceptions. A central thread of each of the talks is the design, implementation, and benefits of privacy-enhancing social and technological infrastructures.

Researchers at the University of Waterloo have integrated the use of blockchain into energy systems, a development that could result in expanded charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.

In a study that outlines the new blockchain-oriented charging system, the researchers found that there is a lack of trust among charging service providers, property owners and owners of electric vehicles (EVs).