IEEE KW Section Vehicular Technology Chapter Distinguished Lecture Technologies and Implementation of the Antidrone System
Abstract: In recent years, drones have undergone tremendous development. Due to the low price and ease of use, drones have been widely utilized in many application scenarios, which potentially pose great threats to public security and personal privacy. To mitigate these threats, it is necessary to deploy an anti-drone system in sensitive areas to detect, localize and defend against intruding drones. In this talk, we provide a comprehensive overview of the technologies utilized for drone surveillance and the existing anti-drone systems. Then, we develop an anti-drone system in Zhejiang University, named ADS-ZJU, which combines multiple passive surveillance technologies to realize drone detection, localization and radio frequency jamming. Furthermore, we discuss the challenges and open research issues in such a system.
Jiming Chen received a B.Sc degree and Ph.D degree both in Control Science and Engineering from Zhejiang University. He was a visiting researcher at University of Waterloo from 2008 to 2010. Currently, he is a Changjiang Chair professor with the College of Control Science and Engineering, and Vice Director of the State Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology at Zhejiang University, China. He serves/served as associate editor for several international journals including IEEE TII, IEEE TPDS, ACM TECS, etc. His research interests include sensor networks, IoT, networked control, and cyber security.