IEEE KW Section and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering presents a seminar on:
“Distribution Planning Including Topology Constraints”
SPEAKER: Prof. Alberto Berizzi from the Politecnico di Milano, Italy
DATE: Friday March 9, 2018
TIME: 2:00 – 3:00 PM
INVITED BY: Professor Kankar Bhattacharya & Professor Claudio Canizares
ABSTRACT: In this seminar, the problem of planning and upgrading an electric urban distribution network is considered. Although network planning has attracted considerable attention in the field of power systems since the early 1970s, the urban distribution network of Milan (Italy) shows significant and challenging peculiarities. Before deregulation in 1999, two separate distribution networks, operated by two different companies, were in place and developed independent and uncoordinated. After deregulation, the two companies merged and now there is a single company in charge of planning and operation of the single network, which is made by portions at several different voltages, substations with different schemes and practices, and different design philosophies.
The research presented is based on the goal of trying as much as possible to merge the different areas in a coordinated and efficient approach, minimizing investment costs and taking into account logistic issues, operating practices and regulatory constraints. The problem is tackled by a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) approach for planning a new network configuration, called 2-step ladder topology, which optimally integrates the two networks already in place. The distribution system has to be shaped considering electric power cable joints already in place. Some results are presented with reference to a part of the real distribution network of Milan.
BIOGRAPHY: Prof. Alberto Berizzi obtained the PhD Degree in Electrical Engineering (1994) at the Politecnico di Milano. Since 2006 he has been a full professor of Electric Power Systems. Since 2011, he has been responsible for the PhD program in Electrical Engineering at the Politecnico. His research has been published in about 150 papers and publications in the following fields:
- security issues of power systems;
- power system operation and planning and the electricity market operation;
- large power system dynamic perturbations;
- operation of Renewable in HV/MV/LV distribution systems, in both connected and islanded operation. In particular, congestion management, voltage control and islanding.
He is a member of the IEEE Voltage Stability Subcommittee and he was a member of the Task Force “Blackouts experience, mitigation and role of the new technologies” of the IEEE PES Power System Dynamic Performance Committee. He has also been a member of the CIGRE WG C1.17 "Planning to manage power interruption events". He has been responsible for many research projects, both at the national and international level. In particular, for what EU funded projects is concerned, he participated in the e-Highways 2050 project, and he is currently working for the Migrate and Osmose projects, funded by Horizon 2020.