Catherine Gebotys

Adjunct Professor
Catherine Gebotys

Contact information

Phone: 519-888-4567 x33539
Location: EIT 4014


Catherine Gebotys

Biography summary

Catherine H. Gebotys is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo.

Her current research interests include embedded systems security, side channel analysis for secure devices, security countermeasures for cryptographic algorithms, and countermeasures for hardware hacking – side channel, fault injection, microprobing and reverse engineering.

Professor Gebotys is the sole inventor of several patents and has also received numerous awards, including the CITO Champions of Innovation Award. In addition, she has collaborated with several companies including DRDC, XtremeEDA, Blackberry, Motorola, ViXS, and COMDEV.

Professor Gebotys has published a number of research papers in the areas of side channel analysis, embedded security, applied optimization for high-level hardware and software synthesis. She is the author of Security in Embedded Devices, as well as the co-author of Optimal VLSI Architectural Synthesis: area, performance and testability.

Research interests

  • Embedded security
  • Security countermeasures
  • Side channel analysis
  • Fault injection analysis
  • Photon emissions analysis


  • 1991, Doctorate, Electrical Engineering, University of Waterloo
  • 1984, Master's, Electrical Engineering, University of Toronto
  • 1982, Bachelor's, Engineering Science, University of Toronto


  • ECE 124 - Digital Circuits and Systems
    • Taught in 2019
  • ECE 222 - Digital Computers
    • Taught in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022

* Only courses taught in the past 5 years are displayed.

Selected/recent publications

  • M.Faraj, C.Gebotys “Quiescent Photonics Side Channel Analysis: Low Cost SRAM Readout Attack”, Springer Journal of Cryptography and Communications, 2021, pp.1-14.
  • M.Khalafalla, M.Elmohr, C.Gebotys. (2020). Going Deep: using deep learning techniques with simplified mathematical models against XOR BR and TBR PUFs (attacks and countermeasures). Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), San Jose, United States, Dec 2020
  • K.Amin, C.Gebotys, M.Faraj, H.Liao “Analysis of Dynamic Laser Injection and Quiescent Photon Emissions on an Embedded Processor” Springer Journal of Hardware and Systems Security (JHASS), 4, Feb 2020, pp.55-67
  • M.Elmohr, H.Liao, C.Gebotys (2020) EM Fault Injection on ARM and RISC-V . IEEE Proceedings of Intl Symp on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), Santa Clara, CA, March 25-6 2020, pp.206-212
  • M.Khalafalla, C.Gebotys “PUFs Deep Attacks: Enhanced modeling attacks using deep learning techniques to break the security of double arbiter PUFs”, Proceedings of DATE 2019, Florence, Italy, 2019, pp. 204-209 .

Graduate studies