Pin-Han Ho

Pin-Han Ho
Location: EIT 4124
Phone: 519-888-4567 x36231


Dr. Pin-Han Ho is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo. His research spans a wide range of topics, including broadband wired and wireless communication networks, survivable network design, wireless communications, cyber-physical systems, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

One of Dr. Ho's significant contributions, in collaboration with his PhD student Dr. James She, is the invention of Wireless Media Express™, a groundbreaking technology designed to address the challenge of wireless channel fading. This fundamental issue limits the effectiveness of wireless service providers in multicasting to intended receivers. Wireless Media Express™ generates an intelligent multicast signal that optimizes video quality for all receivers, regardless of their channel conditions.

This innovative technology has transformative applications, such as enabling users to access TV channels on handheld devices while maintaining consistent, high-quality live broadcasts. It also allows businesses to efficiently upload video advertising to various digital displays across a city—such as highway billboards, shopping mall screens, and subway terminals—targeted to different audiences based on the time of day.

Dr. Ho's ongoing research continues to drive advancements in communication technologies, with real-world applications that significantly enhance both consumer experiences and business operations.

Research Interests

  • Vehicular communications, Wireless network security, Cross-layer design, Coded video multicasting, MAC layer scheduling & performance analysis, High availability design, Integration of fiber and wireless, Communication systems (FiWi), Information Systems, Cloud technology, Embedded systems, Connectivity and Internet of Things, Wireless communications/networking, Optical network survivability, Coded video multicasting, Cognitive and femtocell networks, Cybersecurity, Infrastructure integrity, IoT, Communications and Access, Application Domains, Networking and Data,


  • 2002, Doctorate Electrical and Computer Engineering, Queen's University, Ontario
  • 2000, Master of Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering, Queen's University, Ontario
  • 1995, Master of Science Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
  • 1993, Bachelor of Science (BSc) Electrical Engineering, Naional Taiwan University, Taiwan


  • 0000 Distinguished Research Excellent Award
  • 0000 Best Paper Award
  • 0000 Outstanding Paper Award
  • 2005 Early Researcher Award (Premier Research Excellence Award)


  • ECE 124 - Digital Circuits and Systems
    • Taught in 2021
  • ECE 358 - Computer Networks
    • Taught in 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
  • ECE 655 - Protocols, Software and Issues in Mobile Systems
    • Taught in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
  • ECE 710 - Special Topics in Communications and Information Theory
    • Taught in 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024

* Only courses taught in the past 5 years are displayed.

Selected/Recent Publications

  • Wang, Bo and Ho, Pin-Han, Energy-efficient routing and bandwidth allocation in OFDM-based optical networks, Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 71, 2016
  • Ali, Mohammed L and Ho, Pin-Han and Tapolcai, János, A Novel M-Trail Allocation Method for SRLG Fault Localization in All-Optical Networks, Optical Switching and Networking, , 2016
  • Chen, Zhi and Ho, Pin-Han and She, James, Energy Minimization For Multiresolution Multirelay Multicast Networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 1063, 2016
  • He, Wei and Ho, Pin-Han, On Achieving Cyber-Physical Real-time Snapshot Acquisition in Billboard/Signage Networks, , , 2016
  • Rouskas, George and Ho, Pin-Han and Tapolcai, Janos and Cinkler, Tibor, Special issue on advances in availability and survivability in optical networks, Optical Switching and Networking, 41, 2016

Graduate studies