Re-admission to an ECE Undergraduate Program

If a student has either voluntarily withdrawn from Engineering, was withdrawn from Engineering due to not enrolled for a term for a period greater than one year, or was required to withdraw from Engineering due to an unfavourable academic decision, there are many circumstances under which a student can apply for re-admission.

When the withdrawal was voluntary, re-admission is usually straight-forward. To re-apply, submit a Application for Re-Admission to the Registrar's Office. If assistance is required, please contact the Undergraduate Advisor/Co-ordinator or speak to the appropriate Academic Advisor. Some further details with respect to the process of re-admission are listed below.

Withdrawal Due to an Unfavourable Academic Decision

If a student has received an academic decision of Failed: Required to Withdraw from Engineering or an equivalent decision and was required to withdraw with the option for re-admission, together with the Application for Re-admission, the student will be asked to submit a paper detailing:

  • What caused the student to receive an unfavourable academic decision,
  • What has the student done to correct those problems mentioned above,
  • What plan does the student have to avoid a repeat of the previous circumstances, and
  • Why is the student sure that this time he or she will succeed.

The purpose of the paper is as much a exercise in self-examination for the student as it is in helping us determine that the student is prepared to successfully continue their academic studies. The paper should be a minimum of three pages of critical analysis. You must attach medical or other supporting documentation to substantiate any claims made in your paper.

Process for Re-admission for Classes of Pre-2013 into Class of 2014+

There was a significant change in the undergraduate program for both Electrical and Computer Engineering starting in 2009. A student who enrolled in a class that was set to graduate in 2013 or before and is applying for readmission to a class graduating in or after 2014, that student will have to determine which courses he or she took that are equivalent to the new program.

Tables 1 and 2 give the last Calendar Term that the Academic Terms 3B, 4A, and 4B will be offered under the old program.

Table 1. Last Offerings of the Pre-2014 Computer Engineering Program

3B Winter 2012
4A Spring 2011 and Spring 2012
4B Winter 2012 and Winter 2013

Table 2. Last Offerings of the Pre-2014 Electrical Engineering Program

3B Fall 2011 and Winter 2012
4A Spring 2011 and Spring 2012
4B Winter 2012 and Winter 2013

The most significant difference is the inclusion of ECE 103 Discrete Mathematics and ECE 155 Engineering Design with Embedded Systems for the Electrical Engineering Program and ECE 290 Engineering Profession, Ethics, and Law and all the eight Electrical and Computer Engineering Practice courses.

Process of Re-admission for Students Starting In or After 1997

Students who began their academic studies during or after 1997 are required to satisfy the conditions of the Program at the time of re-admission. This process will include an examination of all the courses and milestones the student has cleared, matching them with courses and milestones currently required for the Program, and determining which courses and milestones must still be cleared to satisfy the Program requirements.

For example, the current Program requires students to complete five WatPD courses during their Co-op Work Terms. A student applying for re-admission may be required to complete some or all of these courses even if WatPD was not part of their Program when they began their studies.

Process of Re-admission for Students Starting Before 1997

Students who began their academic studies before 1997 are only required to satisfy the requirements of their Program when they started. This process will include an examination of all requirements of the student's Program which were not fulfilled and how these can be satisfied with currently existing courses or milestones. In some cases, equivalent courses no longer exist, and therefore, appropriate substitutions will be made.