Promotion rules

At the end of each full-load, full-time academic term, your performance for the most recent academic term is combined with your previous performance to determine the appropriate promotion decision for Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc) and Bachelor of Software Engineering (BSE) students and Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS) students.

This information serves as an overview, but does not replace or change the rules described in the undergraduate studies academic calendar. The information provided below is for students not in 1A BASc. BASc students in 1A are advised to refer to the 1A specific term promotion rules.

Information for BASc and BSE students:

Promoted Excellent, Good, Satisfactory (EXCEL, GOOD, and SAT)

If you are a full-load, full-time student and receive a term average of 60% or more, you are promoted to the next term with a standing of Satisfactory, Good, or Excellent depending on your term average.

Promoted (Conditional)

If you are a full-load, full-time student who is taking a given academic term for the first time and have a term average of at least 60% and no more than two failed courses in the current term and no more than two failed and uncleared courses in total, then you are promoted (conditional). You will need to clear the failed courses in the manner specified by your department.

Required to Repeat

If you have an average above 50% but below 60% or have an average of more than 60% with three or more failures in an academic term, then you are required to repeat the academic term. This decision permits you to complete the work term following the failed academic term, but you are not permitted to return to repeat the failed term until one year after the start of the failed term (academic terms failed in fall terms are repeated in the next fall term and so on). Normally you will already be enrolled in a work term following the term with the required to repeat decision. You proceed with that work term; however the term following the work term (and before the repeated term) is a non-degree term.

May not proceed

As noted above in some cases you are permitted to have two courses below 50% in a given term as long as the term average exceeds 60%. One exception to this is when you have a total of more than two failed (but uncleared) courses on your record (including the current term). If you accumulate three or more failed/uncleared courses, you receive a decision of May not Proceed and are not permitted to proceed to the next academic term until you have reduced the number of uncleared courses. Normally you must reduce the number of failed courses to one before continuing in the program. You should contact your academic advisor for your specific situation.

Required to withdraw from engineering

You will receive this decision for a number of different reasons as listed in the undergraduate studies academic calendar under Engineering: Averages and Academic Standings. The most common reasons are:

  • earning a term average below 50% in a given term, or
  • failing a course in a repeated term

In many cases you may apply for readmission as described in the undergraduate studies academic calendar. You should contact your academic advisor for additional information.

Information for BAS students:

Promoted (EXCEL, GOOD, and SAT)

If you are a full-load, full-time student and meet the following requirements:

  1. maintain a cumulative average of 70% or more
  2. pass the studio course, and
  3. did not fail more than 0.50 units or equivalent (excluding studio) in any single term

Then you are promoted to the next term with a standing of Satisfactory, Good, or Excellent depending on your cumulative average.

Promoted (Probation)

If you are a full-load, full-time student and satisfy only one or two of the three passing requirements as stated above, you may receive the academic decision "Proceed on Probation." Decisions for conditional promotion of students are made on an individual basis by the Examinations and Promotion Committee.

May not proceed

You will normally receive the academic decision of May not Proceed when you satisfy only one or two of the three passing requirements. In the case of a failed design studio course, you will need to repeat and pass the studio course before continuing in the program. If you fail 1.00 credit weight or more, you will not be permitted to proceed to the next academic term until you repeat and pass the failed core courses or equivalent. If your cumulative average is below 70%, you may be required to raise your average above 70% before enrolling in the next higher level core or studio courses. Please refer to the Undergraduate Studies Academic Calendar for each specific situation.

Required to withdraw

Architecture students receive this decision for a number of different reasons as listed in the Undergraduate Studies Academic Calendar. The most common reasons are:

  • failure to meet probationary conditions
  • failing the same studio course twice
  • satisfying none or only one of the three passing requirements stated above

In many cases you may apply for readmission as described in the undergraduate studies academic calendar. You should contact your academic advisor for additional information.

Recovering from negative standings

If you have a negative academic standing at the end of a term, meet with your academic advisor. Your advisor is there to explain the impact of your academic standing and help you better understand the implications. Your advisor can help you to reflect on your academic skills, performance, and understanding of course material, as well as examining personal or external factors that may have impacted you.

You will learn what happens next, such as:

  • The steps you need to take to resolve an May Not Proceed or Deferred standing
  • How to petition if you have extenuating circumstances
  • How to prepare academically after a Must Repeat standing
  • After an Failed, Must Withdraw standing: