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Online MMSc Management of Technology

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Aeronautics Collaborative Program

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Quantum Information Collaborative Program, Master’s and PhD Faculty of Engineering

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Engineering Master's and PhD, Nanotechnology Collaborative Program

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Waterloo Engineering General Information Sessions

International students' information sessions

Study Permit Application Requirements

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How to become a Professional Engineer in Ontario

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Pathways for Permanent Residence

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Maestrias en Ingenieria en la Universidad de Waterloo

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Waterloo Engineering Graduate Studies Alumni Panel (RECORDING)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do I need a supervisor?

You do not need a Supervisor if you would like to enroll in a Coursework program in the Faculty of Engineering. If would like to apply for a Research based or PhD program, you will need to find a supervisor to recieve an offer from the University of Waterloo. Please visit the page linked below if you want to find out which programs require a supervisor.

How do I find a supervisor?

Your relationship with your supervisor is a key part of your experience and success. Please visit the page linked below to help you learn more about finding the right supervisor for your graduate program.

What are the Tuition and fees for Engineering Graduate Study Programs?

University of Waterloo charges tuition one term at time, with three terms occurring over the course of a year. Please visit the link below for more information on Graduate tuition and fees.

How do I find information about Funds, Scholarships and Awards?

What are the Application Deadlines for Engineering Graduate Study programs?

There are 3 academic terms. The application deadlines are 6 months prior to the start of classes.

Fall/September - apply by Feb 1

Winter/January – apply by June 1st

Spring/May- apply by Oct 1

Please visit the link below for more information about Application Deadlines for all Engineering Graduate programs. 

What are the different Research Areas?

From world-changing AI technology to locking down cybersecurity solutions, Waterloo Engineering researchers are driving innovative discoveries that are advancing knowledge and improving lives globally. Check out the link below to find more infomration about the various research areas offered by the Enginnering Faculty.

Are there Co-op programs available for Graduate Students?

Yes! Waterloo University has various Co-op opportunities avaliable for Graduate Students in the Engineering Faculty. Please visit the page linked below, to find out about the Co-op opportunities avaliable for the program that you are intrested in.

What is IP?

IP stands for Intellectual Property. Waterloo University has long been known for researchers who are entrepreneurial thinkers and industry partners. Intellectual Property (IP) Rights grant ownership to the inventor. Please visit the page below, to learn more about Waterloo University's IP Policy.

Where can I find information about Study Permits?

If you're not a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada, you must have a valid study permit to study in Canada at the University of Waterloo. Check out the link below for more information about study permits.