The Engineering Graduate Studies Student Advisory Committee (EGSSAC) was established in fall 2022, at the request of the Associate Dean Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, as a vehicle for student feedback to the Dean of Engineering Office. It also provides a forum for discussing graduate student issues, and to represent their concerns.
The Engineering Graduate Studies Student Advisory Committee consists of the Associate Dean GSPA of Engineering and a total of 20 elected, or appointed members, where no individuals step forward for election. All Full-time Graduate program students are eligible to serve on this committee.
Below is a listing of the current representatives to this committee. If you have an issue you'd like to discuss and you do not see a representative for your program listed, please email eng.mgo@uwaterloo.ca
Member Name | Department/program | Rep Email |
Oluwatobiloba (Toby) Oluwaseun Babalola | Architecture | ARCMAScGradRep@uwaterloo.ca |
Vacant | Chemical MASc | |
Apurvakumar Jayeshbhai Patel | Chemical MEng | CHEMengGradRep@uwaterloo.ca |
Mohammed Mousa | Chemical PhD | CHEPhDGradRep@uwaterloo.ca |
Herry Chen | Civil & Environmental MASc | CIVE-MASc.GradRep@uwaterloo.ca |
Jagmehak Kaur Lopoke | Civil & Environmental MEng | CIVMEngGradRep@uwaterloo.ca |
Matt Sparks | Civil & Environmental PhD | CIVPhDGradRep@uwaterloo.ca |
Vacant | Conrad Centre | |
Jack Degooyer | Electrical & Computer MASc | ECEMAScGradRep@uwaterloo.ca |
Rashandeep Singh | Electrical & Computer Meng | ECEMEngGradRep@uwaterloo.ca |
Cindy Yang | Electrical & Computer PhD | ECEPhDGradRep@uwaterloo.ca |
Vacant | Management Sciences MASc | |
Nivetha Balasubramanian | Management Sciences MMSc | |
Yekta Amirkhalili | Management Sciences PhD | MSciPhDGradRep@uwaterloo.ca |
Vacant | Mechanical & Mechatronics MASc | |
Vacant | Mechanical & Mechatronics Meng | |
Mercy Ombogo | Mechanical & Mechatronics PhD | MMEPhDGradRep@uwaterloo.ca |
Pranav Kumar Ayee Goundar Venkatesan | Systems Design Engineering MASc | SYDEMAScGradRep@uwaterloo.ca |
Harish Krishnamoorthy Murali | Systems Design Engineering MEng | SYDEMEngGradRep@uwaterloo.ca |
Nima Abbasi | Systems Design Engineering PhD | SYDEPhDGradRep@uwaterloo.ca |