After Accepting


We're so glad that you are coming to join us! Now that you've accepted an offer to join Waterloo Engineering, there are a couple things you should do plus resources to help you transition into life as a university student.

Submit a stream request

For students in Chemical, Computer, Mechanical or Mechatronics Engineering, there are two co-op streams you could be assigned to:

Stream 4 – Your first work term will begin in January of your first year
Stream 8 – Your first work term will begin in May of your first year

Students who have confirmed their offers can request a specific stream by submitting a stream request. If you have special circumstances or a strong preference for a certain stream, we recommend that you include a description of them when you submit your request. We will make every effort to accommodate your request, but cannot guarantee your placement in a particular stream.

Apply for residence

As an incoming first-year student you are guaranteed a place in residence in your first-year, however you must apply for this guarantee before the deadline listed on the campus housing website.

Each residence offers a strong sense of community, support for academic pursuits, full-time staff and many amenities to make it feel like home. We also offer a Women in Engineering Living Learning Community at United College!

After submitting your residence guarantee application you will receive further instruction in July for ranking your preferred residences and room types, choose your meal plan, and submit a roommate request.

Waterloo Ready

Waterloo Ready helps you make personal connections with students, provides insider tips and offers many resources to successfully navigate your first year.

Join us in-person or virtually in July for Engineering Ready Day that will cover:

  • What to expect from your classes in September and how you can you plan for a successful year
  • How to prepare for your first co-op term
  • How to find balance as an Engineering student

The Waterloo Ready Online LEARN Course begins in August, along with Peer Mentorship groupsWatch your email for invites and details!

Math Preparation

The Faculty of Engineering has put into place a math preparation course known as MTHEL 99 (First-Year Engineering Readiness) to help refresh your knowledge of high school mathematics and prepare you for academic success.

In the past, weak mathematical abilities and missing background topics have been identified as a cause for poor academic performance. We are providing students with MTHEL 99 to assess their personal level of math preparation and enable them to easily fill in any missing background knowledge.

Orientation Week

Wondering how you'll find your way around campus, make great friends, join a team, get involved, or just get a handle on what your new world is all about? You'll definitely want to be part of Orientation Week. It is a full week to get you oriented and connected to your new community, and open the door to tons of opportunities!

During Orientation you'll have the opportunity to:

  • connect with your future classmates
  • experience the unique traditions of the University and your Faculty
  • learn the UWaterloo community culture
  • hear more about what UWaterloo has to offer
Remote video URL