Living Learning Communities at United

What is a Living Learning Community?

A Living Learning Community is a small group of students from the same faculty or program or with the same interest who live together in the same area of residence.

What to expect when living in an LLC?

When you belong to a Living Learning Community, you will have access to academic resources right in residence to support your first-year experience. You will have an upper-year mentor (Peer Leader) who can help you navigate the year and will organize educational and social events for you to enjoy!

Peer Leaders

Faculty Peer Leaders are upper-year students in the various Faculties who will be living in or visiting the Living-Learning Community they are associated with at United College on a regular basis. Peer Leaders will provide students with academic support, put them in touch with professors, run academic-based events, and help students figure out what classes to take in future terms.

Join the Women In Engineering LLC (WiE LLC)

  • Do you want to belong to a supporting group of women in various Engineering programs?
  • Do you want to form meaningful friendships and connect through bonding experiences?
  • Do you want to advance your Engineering experience by creating a network of Women in STEM who can help you with course work, career searching, and community involvement?

Then WiE is the LLC for you!

In the Women in Engineering Living Learning Community, you will belong to a cluster of other women in Engineering. You will take part in study groups, tutoring sessions, and career preparation workshops to ensure that you are ready to enter the field of Engineering! Your Peer Leader will be another woman in an engineering program at UW who knows exactly how to navigate first-year Engineering. You will also get to participate in a variety of group socials to help you build friendships with first-year women in Engineering and enhance your first-year experience.

Past WiE LLC Events

  • Rock climbing
  • Bubble Tea Socials
  • Share-cuterie with the First Year Office
  • Co-op preparation workshops
  • Resume reviews

Join the Faculty of Environment LLC (ENV LLC)!

  • Do you want to connect with other Environment students and build valuable relationships with students in first-year ENV?
  • Do you want academic supports specifically tailored to Environment courses?
  • Are you passionate about Environmental justice and sustainability?

Then Environment is the LLC for you!

In the Faculty of Environment Living Learning Community, you will belong to a group of students in a variety of Environment programs and form meaningful connections. You will take part in study groups, environment-based activities, and tutoring sessions created to support you in your ENV courses. Your Peer Leader will be an upper year student in the Environment Faculty who can mentor you and support you as you navigate first-year! You will also get to participate in a variety of environment socials to help you form friendships with your peers in the same faculty.

Previous ENV LLC events

  • Essay writing workshops
  • Emailing and Communicating with Professors 101
  • Upper-Year Housing Info Night
  • Planting plants Social

Join the Indigenous Residence Community (IRC)!

  • Are you an Indigenous student living at United College?
  • Do you want to connect with other Indigenous students at UC and across campus?
  • Do you want to participate in Indigenous focused events and connect with your Indigenous heritage?

Then the Indigenous LLC is the community for you!

In the Indigenous Living Learning Community, you will have easy access to our Waterloo Indigenous Students Centre (WISC) right in the same building! You will be connected with a group of other Indigenous students in United College to form meaningful relationships. Your Peer Leader will be another Indigenous student at the University of Waterloo who can support your experience as a first-year student and help you to access Indigenous supports on and off campus. You will also have the opportunity to engage in Indigenous events and socials to connect with your culture and bond with others through shared experience.

Opportunities as an IRC student

  • You will be placed in a smudge-friendly dorm room
  • Easy access to the Waterloo Indigenous Student Centre

Join the Human Rights and Law LLC (HRL LLC)!

  • Are you passionate about Human Rights and Social Change?
  • Are you interested in pursuing a Law Degree or a career in Human Rights/Policy
  • Do you want to get involved in social justice initiatives on and off campus?

Then Human Rights and Law is the LLC for you!

In the Human Rights and Law Living Learning Community, you will be able to explore your passion for human rights, social justice and/or Law to a new extent! You will participate in academic exploration opportunities to figure out how to make the most of your degree. You can also take part in a variety of social justice initiatives on and off campus. Your Peer Leader will be an upper-year student who can support you in navigating your academics while also pursuing your passions. You will also have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals in your cluster who also care deeply about human rights and social justice and/or are interested in pursuing a law career.

Past HRL LLC events

  • Advancing Rights in Criminal Justice through Restorative Justice talk
  • Law Degree Opportunity Info Session
  • Choosing your minor workshop
  • Tarot card social!

Campus and Faculty Partners

  • Anna Purkey, DCL, LLM, BCL/LLB – Program Director and Assistant Professor of Human Rights
  • GreenHouse

Join La Bastille - French Language and Culture Floor

  • Are you a Francophone?
  • Do you want to maintain your French-speaking practices while away at university?
  • Do you want to connect with other French-speaking students on campus?
  • Do you want to socialize in French, with your Francophone peers?

Then La Bastille is the Floor for you!

On the French Living Language and Culture Floor, you will be placed on a floor with other French-speaking students at United College to form meaningful connections with your Francophone peers. You will participate in fun socials where speaking French is the norm, with French-culture themes! Your Peer Leader or Don will be an upper year French-Speaking student who can support you throughout your first year and connect you to French resources across campus!

Past La Bastille events

  • Games night
  • Mario Kart tournament
  • Crepe night
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