Accessibility and EDI

United seeks to fulfil our mission in a way that ensures that the goods and services we provide are accessible to all persons.

Read our customer service policy, United's accessibility policy, United's accessibility plan, and United's EDI Workplan

The policy and plan can be made available in various accessible formats upon request. Contact United if you would like the document in a different format. 


United welcomes accessibility feedback, including feedback about the delivery of services to persons with disabilities.

Students & Tenants: Please fill out a Concern Form and submit to Student and Guest Services. The Concern Form is available in various accessibility formats upon request.

General public (non-student/non tenant): Please communicate with United in the following ways:

  • In person or by regular mail addressed to:
    Attention Accessibility
    United College
    190 Westmount Road North
    Waterloo, ON N2L 3G5
  • By telephone at 519-885-1460
  • By email to

In your correspondence, please advise us on how we can make our response to your feedback accessible to you.

Students, tenants and other members of the general public can expect to hear back within seven business days of our receipt of the feedback.