Take our quiz to determine which engineering program is right for you!
All Waterloo Engineering programs are direct-entry - what this means is that there is no general first year. You'll start your studies within a specific field of engineering from day one. If you're unsure where to start or what program your interests align with, we've built a program compatibility tool for you to use! Here's how you can use it:

Take the quiz
The quiz tool will take you through a series of 14 multiple-choice questions. It shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes to complete.

Review your results
The tool will show you your results in order of compatibility. Meaning your #1 result is your most compatible program and #15 is your least. Here you can find small blurbs describing each program, plus you'll have the ability to compare our programs with one another.

Focus your research
Now that you have a starting point, we'd suggest looking further into your top 3-5 engineering programs to learn more about them. You can find a ton of great, more detailed information on each discipline on the Future Students website.