Co-op for Future Students
Waterloo hosts the largest co-op program in North America, with connections to over 8,000 employers. As an engineering or architecture student at Waterloo you'll automatically be entered into the co-op program.
Throughout your degree, you'll gain up to two years of real-world experience, build connections in industry and strengthen your professional skills with professional development courses that cover topics like communication, report writing, intercultural skills and ethics.
On average, engineering students earn $20-$30 an hour domestically each co-op term, helping to pay for tuition, books and living expenses.
Waterloo’s Engineering program is highly recognized on an international basis. Combined with Waterloo’s co-op program which gives students access to such an incredible network of amazing companies; it’s the dream package.
Source: Ontario University Graduate Survey 2022 (data is published with a two-year lag)

“In my first co-op, my favourite parts were working on the software and in my second co-op I found I really enjoyed working with firmware. Finding what I enjoy and where I would like to improve has been very helpful.”
Read more about Shawn's co-op experience

“I’m looking into the different pathways for the energy transition because I enjoy doing this and I’m very excited to do it. The co-op program has given me the skills to find the job that I want and the confidence that I can succeed.”
Read more about Frances' co-op experience

“Every co-op position of mine was based on some previous experience but at the same time promoted learning and scaling; it allowed me to go from zero to someone who can contribute to the workplace which is the ultimate goal of co-op.”
Frequently asked questions about co-op
What are co-op streams?
Co-op work schedules are divided into two "streams", providing you with a unique schedule that alternates between school and work. These streams will determine when you begin your first work term.
Depending on your program, you will be entered in a different co-op stream that will start either 4 or 8 months into your first year, except Architecture which starts 2nd year. There may be some variations to your co-op sequence depending on your program so make sure to find the full information on our co-op stream page.
Stream 4 Programs (Your first co-op work term will begin in January) |
Stream 8 Programs (Your first co-op work term will begin in May) |
Dual Stream Programs (Programs where students are assigned into either stream 4 or stream 8) |
Architectural Engineering Electrical Engineering Environmental Engineering Geological Engineering Systems Design Engineering |
Biomedical Engineering Civil Engineering Management Engineering Nanotechnology Engineering Software Engineering |
Chemical Engineering* Computer Engineering* Mechanical Engineering* Mechatronics Engineering* |
*If you have been accepted into Chemical, Computer, Mechanical, or Mechatronics and have a strong preference for a particular stream, you can request your preferred stream online before June 3. We can't guarantee that you will be placed in the stream you prefer, because we must balance the students in each class, but we will make every effort to accommodate your request.
Once streams have been assigned you will be able to find out which stream you are in through the lookup tool.
How will I apply for co-op jobs?
While taking courses during the study term before your first work term, you’ll search for jobs. We’ll help you prepare for the co-op job search process through the Co-op Fundamentals for Engineering course you will have access to in your first study term.
WaterlooWorks is an online site run through Co-operative & Experiential Education (CEE) to help students find their co-op jobs. Students will upload their resume on to WaterlooWorks and from there apply directly to co-op jobs that CEE has pre-approved for co-op credit.
Students can also find their own jobs outside of WaterlooWorks and can apply to have them count for a co-op credit.
How can I prepare for co-op?
There are a couple of things you can do before you start school this fall.
Gain transferable skills. One of the best ways to improve your odds and feel confident going into your first co-op job interviews is to reflect on any related skills you’ve gained through things like past summer jobs or work experiences, volunteering, events you’ve participated in, tutoring you’ve provided or hobbies you’ve focused on. If you’ve not had the opportunity to do these things, it’s in your best interest to take the initiative this summer and find these types of opportunities.
Draft your résumé. Your resume does not have to be perfect! Once you’re on campus, you’ll have access to a great support system of people and tools to help you prepare for co-op right away. If you’re in a Stream 4 program, the job search and interview process begins in your first month of classes and although you will have access to a resume review appointment, it’s a smart idea to review tips on how to develop a résumé before you arrive.
Do I need engineering experience before co-op?
No, it is not required that you have engineering experience before applying to co-op jobs. In fact, most Engineering students that are applying to their first co-op job do not have engineering specific experience.
Having work or volunteer experience in other sectors (such as retail or food services), can demonstrate to co-op employers that you have transferable skills such as collaboration, time management and responsibility.
How will I be supported when looking for a co-op job?
At Waterloo we have an extensive network of supports to ensure you'll be successful in co-op.
In the term before your first co-op work term you will be enrolled into Co-op Fundamentals for Engineering (CFE); an online course that will prepare you for your first co-op experience. CFE will cover:
- the fundamentals of co-op at Waterloo,
- how to navigate WaterlooWorks and job search strategies,
- writing strong résumés and cover letters,
- gaining the skills needed for successful interviews.
Another component of CFE is having your resume reviewed by trained staff in Engineering to prepare you for your first recruitment term.
The Waterloo Engineering Society (EngSoc) also offers resume help and you can connect with an upper-year student for their insight.
You'll also have access to supports through our central Co-operative Education team. These supports include:
- A dedicated co-op advisor to help with co-op questions, help finding co-op jobs, and more.
- Information sessions, events, and workshops including employer information sessions and job fairs.
- Career advisors to help with job search strategies, resume and cover letter writing, interviewing, and more.
- International student specific resources and supports including international employment specialists.
- And more!
What happens if I have a hard time finding a co-op job?
The co-op application process is competitive, and jobs are not guaranteed. While there are numerous resources and support systems available to help you secure a co-op position, your success ultimately depends on your individual efforts and the prevailing job market conditions. The encouraging news is that Waterloo boasts a 95.9% overall co-op employment rate and a 96.9% employment rate for first work terms, making the likelihood of not securing a co-op position exceptionally low.
The first step if you're having trouble finding a co-op job is to access supports and services.To help you find a co-op job, you will have a co-op advisor assigned to you. The Centre for Career Development is full of staff dedicated to helping co-op students find jobs, prepare resumes, and improve your interview skills.
There is also lots of time to find a co-op job. A standard co-op work term is 12-16 weeks in length, this means that you can continue to job search until 4 weeks into the term to still receive co-op credit. If you don't receive a co-op job in the first round of applications, keep applying!
Another option is Waterloo Experience (WE) Accelerate, an innovative work term available for first work term co-op students. Through collaborating with industry partners, this optional program will help you develop in-demand skills.
Worst-case scenario, if you are unable to find a co-op job for one term, your graduation will not be delayed. Engineering students need to complete 5 work terms to graduate but have 6 scheduled.
How is co-op different at Waterloo?
Waterloo’s co-op program offers university students access to North America's largest selection of co-op jobs and experiences, with connections to over 8,000 employers.
As a co-op student, you’ll alternate between four months of academic study and four months of full-time employment during work terms. This approach allows you to blend classroom learning with hands-on, practical experience in the workforce.
By completing six work terms—equivalent to two years of work experience—you’ll have the chance to explore diverse career paths within your field and gain valuable insights into your professional interests. This alternating structure also enables you to work with different employers and adapt your career exploration as your interests and goals evolve.