We understand that co-op can sometimes be challenging, but we’re here for you every step of the way.
Answering your questions about co-op
Learn from fellow co-op students! Discover other co-op student experiences, job search tips, tips for applying, interviews and more. Watch our first-work term video series.
Tips for working remotely
You might be feeling a bit nervous about a remote job, but there's nothing to worry about. Here are six tips to help you navigate working from home that can set you up for success!
Tips and advice from co-op students
From classroom to career: how co-op can propel Arts students forward
By: Alison Chase | 7 min read
Stefan Venceljovski (he/him) is a double major Political Science and History student with a minor in international studies and a specialization in international relations. He is currently in his 3B term. Stefan speaks about how he has explored potential career paths through his co-op experiences.
Co-op advice: don’t take a backseat to your life
By: Aadya Dixit | 5 min read
Kaitlyn Neustaedter (she/her) is a fourth year Faculty of Health student, minoring in psychology with an option in aging studies. She discusses her growth as a new professional through co-op and the importance of self-advocacy and intentionality during the application process.
A career check-in with Cameron
by Cameron Stirrup | 3 min read
Hello blog fans! Cameron here! If you don’t know me, I’d recommend you check out all the amazing student blogs we’ve featured so far this term. Fall term is in full swing and while all our exceptional students are being featured this term, I wanted to check in with all you as we pass the halfway point, to discuss the key significance of holding a conversation about career connections.