Co-op student experience

three students are talking in TC banner

So, what's co-op like? Check out our co-op experience blogs written by students and learn how Waterloo improves co-op through feedback.

Student experiences in your faculty

Find out about real co-op experiences from students in your faculty and the companies they worked for. You can visit our blog page to see all our student blogs. 

The co-op student experience survey

The co-op student experience survey is an opportunity for students to provide feedback on co-op from a student perspective. Our team in Co-operative and Experiential Education (CEE) listens to what students have to say and prioritizes acting on their valuable input.

Tips from award-winning Waterloo co-op students

To see more videos, click on the "Playlist icon" on the top left corner of the YouTube window.

Co-op blogs from students working abroad

Interested in working abroad? You can learn more about the experiences of working abroad from these students' blogs. You can go to international co-op experience to read more stories from students working outside of Canada.


Navigating German culture on co-op

Prakriti, a fourth-year biology student doing a specialization in molecular genetics, shares her co-op adventure going overseas.  

Maya Morton Ninomiya

Contributing to Indigenous health internationally

Maya Morton Ninomiya, a fourth-year Health student, discusses her experience working in Australia.

Souhail Aboulhoda

Bringing Lynk Global to the Middle Eastern market

Souhail Aboulhoda, a third-year international student in Honours Science and Business, shares his various co-op experiences! 

If you have any questions, you can contact us! We are happy to help!