Your work term at a glance

Student sitting at a chair smiling

Every work term looks a little bit different, but planning ahead can help you stay on track and make the most of your experience. Have a question or concern during your work term? Send a message to your co-op advisor. They have the knowledge and expertise to support you during your co-op work terms and throughout your co-op career at Waterloo!

Month one

  • Update your work term record within WaterlooWorks to ensure we have the most current information on file. Sometimes job details change, but it's important that we know how to reach you in case you need support throughout the term.
  • Complete workplace orientation/training.
  • Discuss expectations with your supervisor – this can help you work toward an excellent student performance evaluationat the end of the term.
  • Set your goals and learning objectives to make the most of your work term.
  • Confirm the last day of your work term with your supervisor.
  • Check out our work term supports page to see what resources you can access on a work term.

Month two

  • As you approach the halfway point of your work term, we highly recommend scheduling a mid-term evaluation with your supervisor. It is a chance to review and revise your learning objectives before your final evaluation.
  • Around halfway through your work term, we'll reach out to see how your work term is progressing and ask you to complete an eCheckin form within WaterlooWorks. 
  • Your co-op advisor may reach out to you for a virtual (online) work-term consultation. These work term consultations are a way to support you through your co-op work term.

Month three

  • Start thinking about your next co-op work term. If you’d like to continue your work with the same employer, discuss this possibility with your supervisor.
    • Note: If you've agreed to an eight-month commitment with your current employer, you must fulfill this requirement.
  • Start thinking about your work-term report and discuss topics with your supervisor.
  • Plan for your performance evaluation – a mandatory milestone you must complete with your employer at the end of your work term. For more information, visit your performance evaluation.

Month four

  • Ensure that your supervisor completes and submits your performance evaluation form before the end of your work term. It is a mandatory milestone for all co-op students.
  • We recommend that you complete your work term recap form within WaterlooWorks to reflect on your work term.
    • Note: In your work term recap form, you can request to meet with your co-op advisor to further reflect and plan for your next work term.
  • Revise your résumé to prepare for the next work term hiring process. Feel free to show the updated version to your employer for feedback!

After your work term ends

  • Reflect on your work term - what did you learn? What skills did you use? What projects did you enjoy or not enjoy? These kinds of questions can help you to refine your career path and determine next steps.
    • Tip: This is a great time to book a career development appointment with the Centre for Career Development! In these appointments, you can discuss your overall career plans with a Career Advisor, who can help you understand your skills, strengths, interests, values, personality and more. 
  • Verify your work-term status on WaterlooWorks, and your intentions for the next work term. Visit WaterlooWorks Help for more information.

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