Clubs and Associations

Graduate Student Association

The Graduate Student Association-University of Waterloo (GSA-UW) is the official representative of graduate students at the University of Waterloo. The GSA actively promotes and represents graduate student interests to the university administration and all levels of government. The GSA provides a number of services for graduate students, such as legal aid, income tax aid, supplementary health and dental plans, GRT bus pass, and student advising.

The GSA operates a club-house featuring food and bar service, supporting local suppliers, graduate student space, and entertainment. We host on-and off-campus events, including family-friendly events. We also offer financial support for events organized by graduate student clubs and associations.

Waterloo Engineering Society

The University of Waterloo Engineering Society exists to promote a positive graduate experience among its members through support of academic, professional and social needs.

Waterloo Engineering Hub

Powered by Ten Thousand coffees, it offers virtual coffee meetings and online conversations with current students and alumni. Join the Waterloo Engineering Hub to find friends, classmates and create new Waterloo Engineering connections.

Engineering Graduate Studies Student Advisory Committee (EGSSAC)

The Engineering Graduate Studies Student Advisory Committee consists of the Associate Dean GSPA of Engineering and a total of 20 elected, or appointed members and provides a forum for discussing graduate student issues, and to represent their concerns.

The University of Waterloo Chapter

As a student, you have a unique opportunity to connect with a network of people from all across Canada and sub-Saharan Africa through Engineers Without Borders (EWB). The ways to become involved range from helping at our events to joining our executive team and planning these events.

Join a passionate group of people, who are inspiring one another to make a positive change in our lives and in the world. Chapters strive to inspire students to make a change in their lives and in the lives of others by educating each other on international development, better trade, and how to live more sustainably and with greater positive impact. 

Women in Engineering (WiE) 

Women in Engineering (WiE) supports current female engineers and students while encouraging the next generation of women to pursue careers in engineering. This program was established to address the issues that female engineers face and encourage more girls to pursue engineering and better reflect the gender ratio of the general population within the profession.

Engineering Equity and Diversity 

Engineering EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) is a new initiative on campus, catering to faculty, staff, and students within the Faculty of Engineering; our goals are in alignment with those of the University of Waterloo’s Office of EDI.

We strive to amplify events which support and bolster equity and inclusivity on campus, as well as host our own events to help students with similar experiences connect with one another. We also provide support to student groups and chapters such as AISES (American Indian Science and Engineering Society), EngiQueers, NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers), and WiE (Women in Engineering).

Sedra Student Design Centre 

The Sedra Student Design Centre consists of over 20 000 square feet of space dedicated to design teams and student projects. There are more than two dozen design teams, all of which are student-led, and many of which represent Waterloo internationally. It is the largest facility of its type in North America.

The Iron Warrior 

Screams tradition - it's the official newspaper of Waterloo Engineering. It's run completely by The Waterloo Engineering Society and is a great way for students to provide relevant news, information, opinions, and content to their peers.