Research opportunities
Get research experience
Are you are interested in getting research experience during your degree? Whether you wish to take on a part-time research position during an academic term or a full-time position during a co-op term, there are lots of opportunities you can take advantage of.
Undergraduate Research Assistantships (URA)
The Undergraduate Research Assistantships (URA) program provides undergraduate engineering students the opportunity to gain research experience by working with a faculty member to further their knowledge into their field of studies while earning $1000 for the term.
URA's are part-time research positions for students during an academic term.
Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA)
The Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) are sponsored by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. This award allows you to conduct engineering research in a university environment full-time, for a term. The goal is to stimulate your interest in engineering research and to encourage you to pursue a graduate studies degree.