Athletics and Recreation

Find academic success and develop your career while maintaining physical and mental well-being! Athletics and Recreation have something for everyone, whether you’re into team sports, yoga or strength and conditioning. 

Varsity Sports

The Warriors competitive athletics program is one of the best and largest in the country. Many of our graduate students are elite athletes and members in our Varsity sports. If you are a competitive athlete and are interested in joining a Varsity sport to represent Waterloo on the provincial or even national stage, check out the links below. 

17% of all Varsity athletes at Waterloo are Engineering students.


Looking to play an organized sport, have fun, and be competitive? Join an Intramural team as an individual or sign-up with your friends. There are many Intramural sports to choose from, you can discover more about them here.  It's easy to get involved in Intramurals, clubs, drop-in classes, and instructional programs.


Students, faculty and staff have opportunity to drop-in at their own time to play sports, workout, swim, rock climb and much more in many of our state-of-the-art facilities on campus.

Rock Climbing Wall

Orchestra at U Waterloo

Welcome to orchestra@uwaterloo, the instrumental ensemble open to students, staff, faculty and alumni.

UWaterloo students can earn credit for participation in the orchestra. See Ensembles page for details. 

Are you interested in live classical music? Come to our free concerts on campus. You can get notices about upcoming concerts by joining our mailing list or checking the Events webpage. 

Do you play an instrument? Find out how you can join the orchestra, or read about our  Concerto and Aria Competition  if you have solo aspirations. 

Feel free to look around! You can listen to some of our recordings, or read about the orchestra and our music director Daniel Warren. 

We keep links to other music groups on campus and beyond.

Theatres at Waterloo

The theatres at Waterloo University consist of the Theatre of the Arts, Humanities Theatre, and Studio 180. Visit the link below, to learn more about the theatres and events at UWaterloo.