Stream request

Congratulations on making it into Waterloo Engineering!

For students in Chemical, Computer, Mechanical or Mechatronics Engineering, there are two streams you could be assigned to:

Stream 4 – Your first work term will begin in January 2026. 
Stream 8 – Your first work term will begin in May 2026.

You have until June 2 to request the stream you would prefer. We cannot guarantee you will receive it as there is a limit to how many students are put into each stream.

**Do not make future plans on the assumption that you will get your requested stream**

Some things to consider about each stream before deciding:
For Stream 4

  • The 1A term will mostly be a review and continuation of your final year of high school, so you may have more time for job searching in 1A than in your 1B term when the workload increases
  • You may have less competition for jobs, as the majority of students are looking for jobs in the spring
  • You can start earning money to help pay for 1B

For Stream 8

  • You have more time to settle into your new environment and get to know where things are on campus and in the city
  • You have a second semester of classes before starting your first job

Stream assignments will be published by Friday, June, 13, at which time you can check your assigned stream here.

For other programs, visit Co-op Sequences to find your stream sequence.

If you have any questions, please contact First Year Engineering at

Enter your assigned UW student number, not OUAC number.
The program were you accepted into.
Stream requested
Why are you requesting this stream?