Throughout her undergrad, Claire Kemp has been an active member of the SERS, Faculty of Environment, and local communities. Driven by her passion for the natural world and science communication, she has taken on several diverse volunteer positions. Since her second year she has served as an Environment Ambassador, sharing her experiences as a student with prospective students and their families. From open houses, to card writing, to one-on-one questions, Claire has been proud to represent the SERS community that has taught and given her so much. As part of her thesis, Claire contributed to the doctoral research of a SERS PhD candidate, spending the summer catching salamanders, collecting water quality data, and assisting with stream monitoring. In her final year of studies Claire also assisted with ERSSA - the program’s undergraduate student association - helping run events like resume critiques and providing feedback on courses and student experience for the benefit of future students. Beyond academics, Claire has been proud to represent SERS throughout the larger community in other ways - volunteering for several years with the Junior Naturalists’ Club in Hamilton, running nature identification hikes and workshops for youth and outdoor education professionals, organizing used outdoor gear donations, and assisting with different conservation initiatives.