Incidental fees are non-tuition fees charged to your account each term to fund various services to support your academic, physical and mental well-being while at University of Waterloo.
- fees are identified as compulsory, optional or voluntary.
- we are required to charge 13% HST on some optional fees.
- you can choose to opt out of the optional and voluntary fees charged to your student account.
- incidental fees charged to your student account may change as a result of adding/dropping/swapping courses or changing your program (including co-op to regular, regular to co-op, work term to academic term)
- the opt-out deadline is the term due date. Deadline to opt out of optional and voluntary fees charged for Winter 2021 term is December 15, 2020.
In response to the COVID-19 situation, both online courses and courses that would normally have been offered on-campus are being delivered in online format for the Winter term. We will continue to charge incidental fees based on the number of “normally on-campus” courses in which you’re enrolled for the Winter term.
- If you are enrolled in 1.5 or more units that are “normally on-campus” courses being delivered online for Winter term, you will be charged the full-time incidental fees.
- If you are enrolled in fewer than 1.5 units that are “normally on-campus” courses being delivered online for Winter term, you will be charged the part-time incidental fees.
- If you are enrolled only in "normally online" courses being delivered online for Winter term, you will not be charged any incidental fees.
A particular four-month period of course study. Students are charged fees one term at a time. Due date is normally prior to the start of term.
- Fall Term – September to December
- Winter Term – January to April
- Spring Term – May to August