2024 Nancy-Lou Patterson Works on Paper award

Friday, March 8, 2024 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)
Poster for the 2024 Nancy-Lou Patterson Works of Paper $500 scholarship award. All information from poster is in the event listing.  Poster includes a photograph a Nancy-Lou in her office holding a ceramic vessel.

Nancy-Lou Patterson was the founder of the Fine Arts Department at the University of Waterloo. She was also widely known as a writer, artist, scholar, teacher, novelist and poet whose educational and artistic career spanned five decades. This prize is awarded every year in her honour.

The Nancy-Lou Patterson Award for Works on Paper is a $500 Scholarship Award, as well as an amazing opportunity for students to display their best work in drawing, print or other media involving paper. It is open to all Fine Arts students, Studio or Visual Culture, majors or minors, in all years. 

Eligible works MUST be on paper, either 2D or 3D, in any medium. To enter simply hang your work (maximum 3 pieces) in one of the designated hallway spaces in East Campus Hall any time from Monday March 1 until noon on Friday March 8. Fill out the entry form and pin it on the wall next to your work. Leave your work on the walls for judging until Monday March 11 at noon.

The winner will be announced at the Awards Day Ceremony on Thursday, March 21, 2024.

Any questions, see Brett Roberts in ECH 1206.