
Artwork of multiple semi-transparent layers of multi-coloured shapes superimposed with brushstrokes of black ink

Artwork by Qian Sun, "The Suspended", 2013, acrylic, Chinese ink and resin on wood panel, 26.5" x 69"

If you have any questions about courses please contact:

  • Brett Roberts (519-888-4567 x40372), the Administrative Coordinator for Undergraduate Studies

Fine Arts courses overview

A list of Studio courses and their descriptions can be found in the Undergraduate Studies Academic Calendar coded as FINE. 

Information about Visual Culture courses offered in Fine Arts can be found under both FINE and Visual Culture (VCULT).  For Visual Culture courses offered outside of the Fine Arts department, please see the Undergraduate Calendar (Honours Fine Arts – Visual Culture, Three-year General – Visual Culture, Visual Culture in a Global Context Minor).

To find out which courses are currently offered and when, please search FINE or VCULT on the Schedule of Classes.

(Please note that students enrolled in studio should expect material costs to range between $60 and $200 per course.)

Read more information regarding Course Overrides and Waitlists in other departments.

Fall 2024 term

FINE 247 Expanded Media: Interaction

Poster for fall 2024 FINE 247 Expanded Media: Interaction

This course introduces students to visual programming via TouchDesigner, focusing on an interdisciplinary approach that addresses contemporary media arts production's critical, historical and theoretical context. Students will explore interaction by integrating sounds and moving images and working with real-time data feeds through projects such as audio-reactive visual systems, motion tracking, and projection mapping. Through hands-on projects and collaborative workshops, students will gain practical skills in crafting interactive installations and responsive environments. The course is ideal for students interested in blending technology with artistic expression to explore new digital and interactive media forms.