Artist talk by Mary Kavanaugh

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)
Poster for artist talk by Mary Kavanagh on Nov. 7 2023 at noon in ECH 1219.  Background of poster shows steel beads connected by a web of cables.

Photo: Mary Kavanagh, Material Study (from Daughters of Uranium), 2020, archival family photographs, antique hydrometers.

Artist Mary Kavanagh will give a talk about her artwork.

Mary Kavanagh is a visual artist whose work encompasses video, photography, drawing and sculpture. Her projects involve immersion in sites with complex or difficult histories and utilize research-centric methods such as field work, community engagement, investigations of material evidence, and archival science.  She is a professor in the Department of Art at the University of Lethbridge and a Tier I Board of Governors Research Chair (2020-2025), awarded for her work on nuclear culture.

View Mary Kavanagh's website