Bead the Tract

Saturday, November 25, 2023 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)
Close-up of person's hands while they use scissors to trim a beaded medallion.

As part of our Fine Arts Open House, we invite everyone to join us for the special presentation by Longhouse Labs Fellow's Protect the Tract Artists Collective, who will be facilitating a show and tell workshop about Haudenosaunee beadwork hosted by Tuscarora artist Gadaihongwas and Mohawk artist Kahionwinehshon.

There will be demonstrations, learning, and refreshments. There is no cost to attend, and registration is not required.

The event has been moved to room 1205 (Computer Lab), East Campus Hall Building (ECH), 263 Phillip St, Waterloo. 

Free parking is available in Lot Q.