MFA Shantz International Research presentations

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Person walking in nature, text reads Keith & Win Shantz International Research Scholarship Lecture
The Fine Arts Department invites you to the annual MFA Shantz International Research presentations. Everyone is welcome and the presentations will be coming to you live via Zoom. Each year, our graduate students spend six weeks studying with a professional artist, and the Shantz endowment makes it possible. 

Hear about the adventures of Julie Hall and Jacob Irish who worked with Kinuk (aka Mi’kmaq artist Ursula Johnson and her wife Angella Parsons) in Nova Scotia; Ashley Guenette who worked with painter and textile artist Colleen Heslin in British Columbia; and Sarah Galarneau who worked with printmaker and installation artist Nadine Bariteau also of British Columbia. It was an oceanic summer for all four. 

Wednesday October 20th, 12:00-1:30 (EST)  
Join Zoom Meeting 
Meeting ID: 863 0290 4246

For more information contact faculty member Tara Cooper.