Friday, March 18, 2022

Mélika Hashemi (BA 2017) is part of a group exibition at La Centrale galerie Powerhouse in Montreal. Dot by dot like a baby gazelle runs from March 3 to April 7, 2022 and presents the work of Mélika Hashemi, Shirin Fahimi with Morehshin Allahyari, Iman Lahroussi and Nazlie Najafi as curated by Mitra Fakhrashrafi.
As part of the exhibition the gallery in presenting an online lecture/performance by Mélika on March 29, 2022. She describes the lecture as “connecting the process of tattooing “dot by dot” to my ongoing research on Islamic digital worldmaking, wherein which, like the tattoo, both the Universe and the pixel are sustained one motion at a time and capable of drawing infinite iterations.”
You can also view Mélika’s website.