In the exhibition essay, Ashley describes the show as "a collection of reactive works in response to social media’s content generated by biased and oppressive algorithms. With a focus on TikTok’s content, I consciously engaged with viral trends that participate in microaggressions involving body and slut shaming; as well as the glorification of mental health disorders (i.e. ADHD, depression, anxiety and eating disorders,) and ‘That Girl’ daily routines, in order to curate an endless stream of such content on my For You Page (FYP). Exploring a variety of mediums, I offer the viewer a glimpse into this playful yet hateful side of social media which has been normalized with its repetitive acts of oppression, as well as acknowledge the negative impacts this content may have on marginalized groups within their daily encounters within these systems."
Ashley Guenette, installation view of Put a finger down if you have been personally victimized by social media algorithms.