tree of life - Lois Andison's installation at the BMO Project Room, Toronto

Monday, March 4, 2019

Lois Andison, "tree of life", 2019
"In a darkened space, five tall white rectangular boxes float on the wall—modest counterparts to the marble-clad columns in the building’s lobby. A word that traces the stages of a human life is lit up near the top of each unit: beginning, becoming, believing, belonging, bequeathing. Glowing bands of light illuminate the words from behind. In unison, they cascade slowly downward, revealing one at a time smaller words broken off from the headings preceding them. The tranquil cadence of the work is disrupted as each light reaches its final destination, stalling until the remainder of the sequence plays out, and the entire installation holds on “I.” The pace of the work, through the movement of illuminated words, divides it into distinct stages. Rather than determining any ultimate resolution, this piece, like many of Andison’s text-based sculptures, focuses on the de- and re-generation inherent to the human condition."  - Christiana Myers for Canadian Art.

Curated by Dawn Cain for the BMO Project Room, Lois Andison’s sculptural and kinetic installation, tree of life, can be viewed by appointment until November 29, 2019.  Please contact the curator at or (416) 867-5290.