CAFKA.23 STAY WITH ME closing reception and BIG IDEAS Lecture

Saturday, July 22, 2023 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)
Billboard for CAFKA23; red and white swirl pattern with text in black "Stay with me".


Join CAFKA (Contemporary Art Forum Kitchener + Area) for a relaxed closing reception to celebrate the artists and community members who made this biennial possible. (Snacks and non-alcoholic drinks–including beverages donated by Collective Arts Brewery–will be served.)

UWAG will remain open until 7:00pm so reception attendees can see Shirin Fahimi's CAFKA installation II0I I0I0 (Umm al Raml tracing the dots) alongside Brent Garbett's MFA Thesis show, New Day. New Painting. There will also be live screen-printing of an open edition of Lan "Florence" Yee's project Sightings and a video with biennial highlights. 

The reception will be followed at 7:00pm by Syrus Marcus Ware's Big Ideas in Art and Culture lecture, which is co-presented by CAFKA and Musagetes. For more details, visit this link.

Visitor Parking in Lot B adjacent to Engineering 6 (E6), or Lot Q for a flat rate of $5.00.