The painting supports (stretchers) sold in the Fine Arts Department's store (ECH 1226) are made in-house by our wood shop technicians and assistants. Each bar is made from clear white pine and undergoes a multi-step quality control process to ensure the best results.
Our stretchers are based on a unique and sturdy design. No clamps are needed to assemble the bars into a frame only a hammer, 1" finishing nails, and some glue and used to construct the frames.
Stretcher bars are regularly stocked in the following lengths:
- 12"
- 18"
- 24"
- 30"
- 36"
Custom sizes are possible but large orders may take more time than expected to finish, even with 30 days notice.
Faculty requests for stretchers for a class should be made as early as possible to avoid a shortage. Also, storage space limitations mean that stretchers are considered a "Just in Time" stock item and a surplus should not be expected. Please have your numbers and sizes figured out well in advance.
Cross-bars are also available for the above listed lengths. In situations where a canvas frame requires two or more cross-bars, students will have to come to the wood shop to notch the cross-bars so that they can interlock. Please see the wood shop technicians for more information.