Important dates archive

These important dates are provided for historical purposes.

Sep. 1, 2021 to Aug. 31, 2022

TitleDescriptionAcademic termDate
Class enrolment period

During this period, graduate students can enrol themselves in classes using Quest, and can also drop classes in Quest.

Graduate students who are not fee arranged and have enrolled in classes will have their classes dropped at the end of the third week of classes (end of class enrolment period).

Fall 2021Aug 4, 2021 to Sep 28, 2021
Tuition and fees due

Pay in full or become "Fees Arranged"; late fees apply after this date and/or access to LEARN may be affected.

Fall 2021Aug 24, 2021
Late fees begin

See Student Financial Services website for late fee amounts by date.

Fall 2021Aug 25, 2021
Labour Day

No classes and offices closed.

Fall 2021Sep 6, 2021
Co-operative work term begins

Actual dates may vary depending on employer or student requirements.

Fall 2021Sep 7, 2021
Classes begin

Laurier may have a different schedule - visit their website for applicable start dates.

Fall 2021Sep 8, 2021
Tuition and fee refund deadline - 100%

See Student Financial Services website.

Fall 2021Sep 28, 2021
Class drop with grade of Withdrawn, no credit granted (WD)

During this period, graduate students can continue to drop classes in Quest but a grade of Withdrawn, no credit granted (WD) will be applied and the class will remain on the transcript.  Note that WD is not an academic penalty.

Outside of this period, students with special circumstances can petition to drop or add a class using a course drop add form (Graduate Studies forms website).

Fall 2021Sep 29, 2021 to Nov 23, 2021
Final examination schedules released

Go to the final examination schedule.

Fall 2021Oct 1, 2021
Reading Week

All classes cancelled; offices closed on the weekends and the holiday Monday.

Undergraduate students: view the Undergraduate Studies Academic Calendar for more details.
Graduate students: view the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar for more details.

Fall 2021Oct 9, 2021 to Oct 17, 2021
Thanksgiving Day

All classes cancelled and offices closed.

Fall 2021Oct 11, 2021
Convocation - fall 2021

Fall 2021 Convocation will be held virtually. Degrees will be conferred via a virtual celebration and graduates will receive their degrees by mail. Visit the Convocation website for details.

Fall 2021Oct 22, 2021 to Oct 23, 2021
Tuition and fee refund deadline - 50%

See Student Financial Services website.

Fall 2021Oct 26, 2021
Last day to arrange tuition and fees

Refer to tuition and fees deadlines. Late fees apply, see Student Financial Services for details.

This is also the last day to submit a Promissory Note in Quest.

Fall 2021Oct 31, 2021
Class enrolment period

During this period, graduate students can enrol themselves in classes using Quest, and can also drop classes in Quest.

Graduate students who are not fee arranged and have enrolled in classes will have their classes dropped at the end of the third week of classes (end of class enrolment period).

Winter 2022Dec 1, 2021 to Jan 25, 2022
Classes end

Laurier may have a different schedule - visit their website for applicable end dates.

Fall 2021Dec 7, 2021
Pre-examination study days
There is only one (1) study day during the fall 2021 term.
Fall 2021Dec 8, 2021
Final examinations begin

First day of the final examination period.

Fall 2021Dec 9, 2021
Examinations on Sunday

Final examinations can be held on this day for the fall 2021 term.

Fall 2021Dec 12, 2021
Tuition and fees due

Pay in full or become "Fees Arranged"; late fees apply after this date and/or access to LEARN may be affected.

Winter 2022Dec 14, 2021
Co-operative work term ends

Actual dates may vary depending on employer or student requirements.

Fall 2021Dec 23, 2021
Final examinations end

Last day of the final examination period.

Fall 2021Dec 23, 2021
University holiday closure

No classes and offices closed.

Fall 2021Dec 24, 2021 to Dec 31, 2021
Grades begin to appear in Quest

Registered students can view their unofficial term grades in Quest.

Note: Not all grades will be available on this date.

Fall 2021Dec 24, 2021
University holiday closure

No classes and offices closed.

Winter 2022Jan 1, 2022 to Jan 3, 2022
